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Conditioning your brain for happiness.
Whether you like it or not, your happiness depends on how you see things. It has very little to do with the actual event that presents itself but rather how you choose to interpret it. Lets say that you’re on your way to work and you blow out a tire. Some would choose to see […]
Live in the now
Live in the now? Get serious will ya? I’ve got bills to pay, college tuition looming, retirement around the corner, health issues, aging parents, etc… I need to plan for the future with a fury. After all, the TV tells me so. No one would likely argue with you either. The future is important and […]
Could it be time for a Mentor?
Do you ever get the feeling that your feet are stuck in the mud and that your dreams have yet to materialize? If so rest assured, you’re not alone although this realization should provide you with no solace. Your life is the one that you’ve built and what others have done with theirs has no […]
Are you happy or sad?
We all want to be happy yet we all continue to suffer. Therefore, we may think that we’re “doing it wrong.” Somehow we are “failing at happiness.” That isn’t true. The real truth is that suffering and happiness are cut from the same cloth. It’s impossible to have one without the other. I recently read […]
How to start your day off right!
Let’s face it, the way you start your day is likely how the rest of the day is gonna go. If you wake up late and ask a question like, why do I have to go to work? or how come I’m struggling to make ends meet? or why am I so fat and out […]
Acres of Diamonds
We all need a mentor or a coach in our lives, no matter who we are. One of my mentors is the late Earl Nightingale. He was a master storyteller and I’d like to share a story that he told many years ago. It was the story of an African farmer who had heard tales […]
Are you alone?
Have you ever thought about somebody that you haven’t talked to in a while and the next day you get an email or a phone call from them? Or perhaps you read something that really makes you think and then everywhere you turn the same message keeps appearing from the most unlikely sources? What is […]
Words of Wisdom
A few months ago, I had the pleasure of sharing some words of wisdom with a young professional soccer player. She had been struggling to find her identity and reached out for some help. We talked extensively about her values and her purpose in this world. I am pleased to say that she has finally […]
Overcoming Emotional Winter
From the movie Cool Runnings comes the great quote “peace be da journey”. Isn’t this what we all want? Unfortunately for some this is simply not the case. The journey is anything less than peaceful. In fact, it’s downright dark and cold. Not to bastardize the winter but if you live in the northern latitudes, […]