DIP Episode #7: The Stress in Our Lives
The Stress in Our Lives
Marijuana possesses many chemicals that impact our physiology. The 2 most talked about are CBD and THC. What are they and how do they work?
Your Emotional STATE is how you FEEL at any moment in time. Feelings dictate behavior and behavior defines you. If you want to get control of your life, you MUST learn to control your EMOTIONAL STATE.
Prolonged stress produces cortisol, which can damage your health. Fortunately, the body secretes oxytocin; the antidote to stress. Learn how to produce oxytocin and you just may save your life.
PASSION is the fuel that drives your engine. Discover it, nuture it, and enjoy the ride. Passion represents our true inner self. Too often we become what the world wants us to be. “As long as I don’t rock the boat, then people will like me and that will reduce my anxiety” ahhhh NOT! Actually it’s […]
Acres of Diamonds: Before you head out leaving your situation behind to search for greener pastures, perhaps you might want to think about watering your own grass. For many of us, we already have what we “need” in life. Perhaps if you took a hard look, you might realize that you’re standing in your own acre of diamonds.
An Attitude of Gratitude: Being thankful for all the wonderful things in your life is a great habit to develop. Those who appreciate what they have tend to foster greater health, peace, and prosperity.
Never apologize for who you are. Stand up, take action and know that you are already good enough.
Everyone you know has some level of anxiety. If you step outside your comfort zone, you will invariably gain experience which the sworn enemy of anxiety. Go for it.