Dr. Peter Percuoco

DIP Episode #61: Time for Reflection

Time for Reflection

Have you ever been in a noisy and busy nightclub while trying to have a conversation with someone?  It’s very difficult to concentrate and eventually make a connection.  This is a lot like our lives where we are constantly pounded with external stimuli from TV, internet, social media, etc.  We become so preoccupied with what’s happening with the world AROUND US that we forget to stop the madness and tune into our inner voice which is desperate to connect with us and make us whole.  For many, this disconnect with the truth about who we really are and the purpose we’ve yet to discover has lead to feelings of bitterness, frustration, anger and resentment.

Taking time to isolate yourself away from everything you know is an opportunity to discover and listen to your inner voice.  You may learn to focus on the things that make you feel happy instead of the tsunami of negative things that have destroyed your navigation system.  Isolate, be quiet, and truly listen and you will hear the messages that have been dying to get your attention for years.  Spoiler Alert:  YOU JUST MIGHT FIND PEACE AND HAPPINESS DEEP INSIDE.

Dr. Peter Percuoco is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and an Inspirational Speaker. With 35 years of experience, Dr. Percuoco has stepped out of the clinic and onto the stage to share his message of hope and potential inspiring people to be the best that they can.




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